Setting The Trend For Florida’s Virtual Real Estate Businesses

Jonah Gilmore of 3D Tour Florida uses virtual reality to sell multi-million dollar homes.

Right now, there are 15 people touring the very same home for sale right here in Florida—and its making waves of changes for real estate agents.

3D Tour Florida is using high-tech equipment to bring a home on the market to life by increasing the number of viewers, and their engagement with the listing, thereby redefining the way real estate agents reach potential buyers.

Gilmore states, “The sky is the limit for the technological capabilities of these 3D tours. 3D scans, tour videos, and drone photos and video allow a potential buyer to walk through a house using a virtual reality hand controller for navigation. This entire process allows a potential buyer and even that nosey neighbor that lives down the street to view the home without the real estate agent becoming overwhelmed.”

“Once the 3D scan is completed, the tour is typically available for viewing with 24 hours, and can also feature or highlight specific elements of a property, such as surfaces, finishings and even link those elements to another website, video or information. It is the ultimate way to showcase a property,” Gilmore says.

Gilmore is pushing to create a network across Florida for realtors, so that when he receives a listing from an agent, he can scan the home, create the tour and have the listing up for potential buyers within the state, nationally, and internationally. This technology could also help realty groups join forces to close a sale for out-of-state buyers, who may not be able to see the home in person before making an offer. On the seller’s side, it allows the owners to not be inconvenienced by traffic through their home and to focus only on buyers with a legitimate interest in purchasing.

“You could do open houses with 360-degree views, with the client able to tour numerous homes through a virtual reality head display in your office and then pick their top choices to visit in person. People enjoy the 3D tours, and they spend more time exploring a property and more time considering purchasing what they are exploring,” states Gilmore.

This technology is not only for real estate agents. What really gets Gilmore excited about the new technology is all the benefits it can offer to so many different businesses. It’s being used by hoteliers to market potential vacation spots and event venues, by event planners to advertise wedding venues, by museums for interactive tours, and so much more. For example, a hotelier can showcase their property for conferences, reunions, or destination weddings, using this 3D technology to allow prospective guests to walk through a hotel room by room, and to hand select their room, thus creating their own experience.

Local CEOs have also adapted this technology to create tours of their building footprints for new hires. This eliminates the burden on the human resources department, especially for businesses with large campuses.

Jonah Gilmore has been doing photo and video production in southern California and Dallas, Texas for the last 15 years and has recently started the company 3D Tour Florida, focusing on real estate, tourism, city engagement and venue photography and video. To learn more about 3D Tour Florida, go to or call Jonah Gilmore at: 760-450-8881

– Jonah Gilmore (@jonahgilmore)

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