St. Pete Accessible Mural Tour

The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance (SPAA) is proud to announce the St. Petersburg Accessible Mural Tour program to make our city’s mural art accessible to all regardless of ability or disability. Our unique virtual Mural Tour may also be viewed anywhere around the world via the internet, with a computer or hand-held device.

The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance believes our city’s murals should be accessible to all. We chose 40 centrally located works to focus on, spotlighting the Shine St. Petersburg Mural Festival, several special murals, plus two murals commissioned by AARP Tampa Bay.

Following a recent tour of this year’s Shine murals, Congress Charlie Crist states, “The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance is putting our community on the map through Shine, highlighting our city as a world-class arts destination and hub of creativity. With this partnership with AARP, an amazing display of local and international talent will be accessible for all to enjoy via a self-guided virtual tour for those miles away or with mobility restrictions. Proud that my hometown of St. Petersburg continues to promote innovation and inclusion.”

The Accessible Mural Tour program is produced by SPAA with initial funding from AARP Tampa Bay. “As a national champion for livable communities, AARP is proud to support the St. Petersburg Accessible Mural Tour which allows anyone, regardless of age, ability or locale, to experience our city’s vibrant arts community.” States Michelle Cyr, AARP Florida Associate State Director for Outreach.

The audio portion of our tour provides vivid descriptions of each mural, the artist and its setting. The online guide includes transcriptions of the audio recordings, photos and a map, with notes on accessible parking and mobility barriers.

Jennifer Sabo, Executive Director, VSA Florida writes, “This project is likely to serve as a model for other mural programs around the country. To our knowledge, no other organization in the United States offers mural tours designed for the needs of those with visual, hearing or physical disabilities. VSA Florida has been honored to assist the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance as they develop this much-needed resource and fully supports the Arts Alliance’s leadership in providing access to public art in St. Petersburg with this innovative and creative program.”

These written and recorded tours are now available to everyone – on a home computer, smart phone or any other mobile device. The brochure may also be downloaded at the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance website:

The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance is an arts resource center, the community voice for the arts — empowering artists, arts organizations and creative businesses to work collaboratively. As an umbrella arts organization, we advocate for the arts, facilitate the growth of the arts community, and drive arts-related economic development in St. Petersburg.

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