28 Day Love Challenge


So often we look for gifts or grand gestures to express our love, when in reality all we need to do is just that – express our love. At the end of a long day – your money, gifts, or grand gestures will mean nothing to me; especially if you’re not there to listen to me or to wrap your arms around me. Should you only be physically present, yet not emotionally available, the words “I love you” fall on deaf ears. What are your love actions telling those around you?  Are you just showing up or are you also making yourself available?

Today, I challenge you to a 28-day love challenge. I challenge you to find ways to show those you love just how important they are to you.  It will also help you show complete strangers life changing love.  Love changed my life. Specifically, the love of God.  Regardless of what you believe in, love is a universal language that every being on Earth understands.  The real challenge is whether you let it be seen in you.

I dare you to keep a journal of daily notes (perhaps in your phone calendar) of this challenge, whether you complete each challenge listed or not. You may actually learn something about yourself at the end of these 28 days. Some challenges may require advanced planning and by no means should you be bound by dates. And at the end of the 28 days, share your testimony from this challenge – with your family, friends, and most definitely with us.

Day 1 – Choose joy. Decide today that you will have joy. Not happiness-happiness is based on happenings. Joy is born internally. When you choose joy it remains, regardless of your surroundings.

Day 2 – Be thankful. Express your thanks to someone for something they have done for you. It can be tempting to take for granted those who support you and are always there for you.

Day 3 – Honor a wish. Today, find a way to honor the wish of a friend, family, co-worker or

better yet, a complete stranger and make that wish come true without them ever knowing it was you who helped.

Day 4 – Don’t argue. Despite what happens today or what may be done to you, decide not to argue. Choose to be silent and listen. You may just learn that there is more than one way to reach your goal.

Day 5 – Listen without interruptions This is for all of us “sentence finishers.” Just listen. Listen actively and do not interrupt. Show others that you care about them by listening to what they are saying instead of thinking about your response.

Go to www.flocalmagazine.com to read the rest of Vivian Bell’s 28 Day Love Challenge and bring in the New Year with a new mindset.

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